Council Integrity

Council integrity is dealt with in Part 6 of the Local Government Act 2020 which specifies the provisions in relation to:

  • improper conduct
  • conflict of interest
  • personal interest returns
  • gifts
  • councillor conduct
  • appointment and functions of the Principal Councillor Conduct Registrar and Councillor Conduct Officers
  • Councillor Conduct Panels and VCAT.

These provisions deal with a range of matters including:

  • Section 123 - Misuse of Position
  • Section 124 - Confidential information
  • Section 130 – Disclosure of conflict of interest
  • Section 138 – Councillors Gift Policy
  • Section 139 - Councillor Code of Conduct
  • Section 141 - Internal arbitration process
  • Section 147 - Sanctions that may be imposed by an arbiter on finding misconduct

The Local Government Act 2020 establishes a councillor conduct framework that provides a clear hierarchy for the management of councillor conduct issues.

Additionally, the Local Government (Governance and Integrity) Regulations 2020 details a range of matters related to governance and integrity of Councils and Councillors including, the oath or affirmation of office, exemptions from conflicts of interest, requirements for initial and biannual returns, councillor induction training, and standards of conduct for Councillors,

The detail on the operation of the councillor conduct framework is available on the Local Government Victoria website.

A key part of MAV’s role is support and recognition of the value and significance of the role of Mayors and Councillors. Through a range of advisory services and events, we aim to encourage and support high-quality governance and integrity across local government sector.

Read about the MAV guideline on councillors standing for federal and state elections (PDF - 170KB).

For more information about upcoming MAV events, councillor development opportunities visit Learning and Events.

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This page was last updated on 23 Jul 2024 2:32pm