Freedom of information
In accordance with Part II of the Freedom of Information Act 1982, the MAV is required to publish certain statements in respect of its functions and processes. Please refer to the links below to access this information.
- Organisation and functions
- Categories of documents
- FOI arrangements
- Publications
- Rules, policies and procedures
- Report literature
Organisation and functions (Statement 1)
The MAV is incorporated by an Act of State Parliament, that being the Municipal Association Act 1907 ("the Act"). The Act sets a broad framework under which the Association operates, and empowers it to make rules to further clarify role and process.
Our role is to represent and advocate the interests of local government, lobby for a fairer deal for councils, raise the sector's profile, and provide policy advice, strategic advice, capacity building programs and insurance services to local government.
The MAV is a membership association, accountable to its constituent members through a State Council and an elected Board. Membership of the MAV is discretionary and participation in our insurance schemes, procurement program, events and other activities is voluntary.
The State Council is the governing body of the Association and comprises MAV Representatives nominated by each and every 'financial member' of the Association. The State Council meets twice per year. Its powers include determining the strategic direction of the Association. The resolutions passed at meetings of the State Council are publicly available.
MAV representatives elect the President and the regional Board Members every two years in accordance with the provisions set out in the MAV Rules.
The MAV Rules of Association (the Rules) establish the positions of representatives and office bearers and set out various obligations and functions of the Board.
The Rules also enable the Board to publish practice notes, guidelines or codes (also referred to as codes of practice or protocols) to supplement the Rules and guide office bearers, Board members and MAV representatives in their roles.
From time to time changes are made to the Rules and Protocols. Changing the Rules requires 60 per cent of MAV Representatives to vote in favour of any proposed amendment and the approval of the Governor in Council.
MAV has established a number of committees that offer strategic advice to the Board.
MAV is also involved in the provision of insurance services. As permitted by the Act, the MAV manages a Municipal Officers Fidelity Guarantee Fund (trading as Commercial Crime) and a mutual liability insurance scheme for the purpose of providing public liability and professional indemnity insurance for the benefit of councils and other public bodies.
The MAV has appointed an Insurance Board (MAVIB) to oversee its insurance operations. MAVIB operates in accordance with the MAV Insurance Board Rules, LMI scheme Deed of Establishment. In addition, it has its own policy handbook and Compliance and Risk Management Strategy and related plans.
The exercise of MAV's insurance activities involves making decisions that directly affect members of the public. More information on our insurance services is available on our website or by contacting MAV Insurance.
MAV produces a Strategic Plan and an Annual Report each year.
Categories of documents (Statement 2)
MAV deals with a variety of documents in performing its role and carrying out its functions. MAV creates documents in its own right and receives documents from third parties. These documents may be in hard copy or held as electronic versions in our Electronic Documents Records Management System (EDRMS). The MAV records management policies and procedures are in line with the principles and practices in the Public Records Act 1973 and are designed to comply with the VAGO 2008 Records Management Checklist and relevant publications issued by the Public Records Office Victoria.
MAV documents include:
- policies and procedures
- reports, including consultants' reports
- directories
- contracts
- correspondence
- meeting agendas and minutes
- discussion papers
- reports on the performance/efficiency of MAV
- press releases
- briefing notes
- financial records
- submissions
- employee records
- internal audit reports
- external audit reports
- insurance/workers compensation claim forms and related documents.
This is a broad outline of the types of documents held by MAV. Some of these documents, either all or in part, may be subject to exemption under the FOI Act.
MAV has a range of documents that are publicly available on the website. Other documents may be publicly available upon request. Prior to submitting an FOI request, contact should be made with MAV to ascertain whether or not the record can be made available without resort to FOI.
FOI arrangements (Statement 3)
FOI requests must be made in writing and accompanied by the relevant application fee (which is $31.80 as at 1 July 2023). Further information on FOI fees and charges can be obtained from the website of the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner.
FOI requests are to be addressed to:
Ms Celia Robinson
Manager, Governance
Municipal Association of Victoria
GPO Box 4326
Melbourne VIC 3001
Or submitted to Reception at:
Level 5, 1 Nicholson Street
East Melbourne VIC 3002
Or emailed to:
Once a valid request is received, it will be processed in accordance with the FOI Act.
A person considering making an FOI request, is encouraged to contact us prior to formally submitting an FOI request, to ascertain whether or not the record can be made available without resorting to FOI.
Publications (Statement 4)
MAV publishes information on our website relating to our structure, Board, Rules, Protocols, policy advocacy and services, campaigns, publications and resources. We also publish our annual strategic plans and annual reports. Our policies and services section of the website includes a range of resources to assist our members including guidelines, protocols, handbooks and checklists.
The MAV does not maintain a library or reading room.
MAV has not prepared any documents specifically for inspection by members of the public. If a person is interested in inspecting a document that is not available on our website, they can contact us (03 9667 5555 or to discuss its status and what arrangements can be made for its inspection. If appropriate, the person will be advised to make a formal FOI request. Requests for access to personal information will be dealt with in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 and MAV's Information Privacy Policy.
Rules, policies and procedures (Statement 5)
MAV is incorporated by the Municipal Association Act 1907. The MAV Rules of Association and protocols are adopted by the Board. MAV has developed a range of policies and procedures relevant to our functions and operations. These include but are not limited to:
- Code of Conduct for Members
- Code of Conduct for staff
- Conflict of Interest Policy for Members
- Conflicts of Interests Policy for Employees, Contractors and Consultants
- Information Privacy Policy
- Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Plan
- Public Interest Procedures
- Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Policy
- Fraud and Corruption Control Framework and Plan
- Fraud and Corruption Policy
- Integrity Framework
- Procurement Policy
- Records Management Policy
- Records Management Strategy
- Risk Management Policy
- Project Management Policy
- Contract Management Policy
- Motor Vehicle Fleet Policy
- Occupational Health and Safety Policy
- Recruitment and Selection Policy.
Copies of MAV policies will be provided upon request.
MAV processes FOI requests in accordance with the FOI Act and case law regarding the FOI Act. MAV does not have regard to a manual or other policy document when processing FOI requests.
MAV is not responsible for enforcing any Acts or administering any schemes that may directly affect the public. Therefore, MAV does not hold any documents containing interpretations or particulars of Acts or schemes or any manuals, rules or procedures or statements of policy relating to Acts or schemes.
The exercise of MAV's insurance and WorkCare activities involves making decisions that directly affect members of the public. MAV holds procedural and guidance material that is used for processing claims. This material is not publicly available on our website. Requests for access to this material will be considered on their merits and in the context of the Freedom of Information Act 1982.
Report literature (Statement 6)
MAV is a membership association. We produce a range of regular publications for our members. These publications are:
MAV does not provide any subscription services or free mailing lists for members of the public. MAV does not produce publications for purchase.
This page was last updated on 23 Jul 2024 1:55pm