
Our bulletins provide news and insights into our policy work and tell the stories and achievements of our 79 councils.


If you wish to subscribe to one of our newsletters, please contact the MAV strategic Communications Team via comms@mav.asn.au

Our newsletters

MAV Bulletin

The MAV Bulletin covers policy issues, events, grant opportunities, resources and features a different council initiative each edition. Earlier issues can be read at the MAV Bulletin archive.

Our MAV - President's Update

The Our MAV - President's Update newsletter highlights MAV leadership, advocacy and influence on policy and issues of importance for the local government sector.

Specialist bulletins

Our specialist bulletins provide regular news updates focused on a particular area of our work with our local government partners, you can read recent issues of these bulletins here:

MAV Procurement 
MAV Insurance
Emergency Management
Prevention of Violence Against Women and Gender Equality