Advice & interpretation

Victoria’s local government sector is administered under the Local Government Act 2020 and related Acts, policies and legislation.

The MAV provides assistance and guidance to Mayors, Councillors and Council Officers on various aspects of the Local Government Act 2020 and its associated regulations.

Our staff’s expertise also includes subject matter experts who can assist with enquiries of other Acts and regulations related to the broad functions performed by local councils e.g. Road Management Act 2004, Climate Change Act 2010, Emergency Management Act 2013.

Implementation of the Local Government Act 2020

Replacing parts of the Local Government Act 1989, the Local Government Act 2020 received Royal Assent on 24 March 2020 with legislative reforms proclaimed over four stages commencing April 2020 and the final phase (Stage 4) coming into effect July 2021.  
Our submissions on the Local Government Act review included:

A full listing and links to MAV submissions are available on our submissions page.

The MAV continues to work closely with Local Government Victoria, councils and other stakeholders on the implementation of the new Local Government Act 2020.

Review of the Municipal Association Act 1907

The Municipal Association Act 1907 is the governing legislation for the MAV.

In 2017 the Victorian Government commenced community consultation on a review the Municipal Association Act 1907. The MAV made a submission on the review Consultation Paper in June 2017. We also encouraged councils to make their own submissions on the Consultation Paper.

Modernisation of MAV constitution is an objective of the MAV Strategic Plan 2021-2025 and as part of this process we will continue to advocate to the State Government to update the Municipal Association Act.

Further information

This page was last updated on 23 Jul 2024 2:32pm