Our governance
We are incorporated by an Act of State Parliament. The Municipal Association Act 1907 defines our purpose, sets out how we operate, and empowers our members to make rules to further clarify our role and processes.
Membership of the MAV is voluntary and all 79 Victorian councils are currently members.
Governance structure
Our Board is elected by member councils every two years. The President is elected by all members, while 10 regional Board members are elected by their region.
See the MAV Board regions map (PDF - 186KB).
State Council is our governing body, made up of representatives from each of our member councils.
Our Rules of Association (the Rules) establish positions of office and set out the obligations and functions of the Board.
Changing the Rules requires 60 per cent of Delegates to vote in favour of any proposed amendment and approval of the governor in council.
The Rules empower the Board to pass codes of practice or protocols to supplement the Rules.
In 2021/2022 as part of our Strategic Plan 2021-2025 initiatives we reviewed the MAV Rules.
Further information

State Council
Visit State Council for more information.