Committees & reference groups

In addition to our Board Advisory Committees, the MAV also establishes, supports and hosts other committees with expertise across major policy areas and projects.

These networks comprise councillors, CEOs and/or officers with relevant specialist knowledge and expertise. Members are invited to participate in these networks through either an expression of interest or nomination process.

Our current committees, working groups and task forces include:

Crisisworks Joint Management Panel
Provides management advice regarding the Crisisworks incident management system that provides a cost-effective IT system for Victorian councils to use in emergency management.
Emergency Management Planning ReformsEmergency Management Planning Reforms
Financial Assistance Grants and Rate Capping Taskforce
Provides guidance to the MAV on its advocacy to increase Financial Assistance Grants and inform the MAV’s work on rate capping issues.
Freight Reference GroupFreight Reference Group
Local Government Information Governance Committee
The LGIG Committee works to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of information governance and records management.
Local Government Spatial Reference Group
The LGSRG supports, promotes and lobbies on behalf of the local government spatial sector to drive appropriate and effective capability across all councils.
MAV Defined Benefit Superannuation Taskforce
Develops and guides MAV policy and advocacy responses to Defined Benefit Superannuation shortfalls.
MAV Early Years Advisory Group
Guides the MAV on issues relating to early years policy, service provision and planning.

MAV Hospitality Outdoor Activation Working Group

MAV Hospitality Outdoor Activation Working Group

MAV Local Government Gambling, Alcohol and Other Drugs Issues Forum
Brings councils and other relevant stakeholders together to build the capacity of the local government sector to manage, prevent and reduce harms associated with gambling, alcohol and other drug use.
MAV Local Government Act Review and Municipal Association Act and Rules Review Taskforces Allows constructive dialogue regarding multiple perspectives and provides the capacity for the approach taken by MAV to ensure that differing impacts of particular issues are addressed in draft Discussion Papers.
MAV Melbourne Urban Stormwater Review Working GroupMAV Melbourne Urban Stormwater Review Working Group
MAV Positive Ageing Network

A leadership and information sharing group of local government managers and officers

MAV Preventing Violence Against Women Network
Brings councils and other relevant stakeholders together to share knowledge that develop skills and expertise to strengthen the capacity of the sector to drive change.
Swift Consortium Management Group
Manages the ongoing implementation of the contract for supply and operation of a shared management system for public libraries.
MAV Technology Plans, coordinates and supports information and communication technology, business transformation and innovation initiatives that deliver better council services and reduce costs.
MAV Tobacco Advisory Group Advises the MAV as required on issues relating to local government tobacco enforcement and education activities.