We advocate on behalf of the local government sector by participating in consultations and contributing to strategy development, discussion papers and proposed changes to legislation.
View our submissions to the State and Federal Government from the last few years below, in which we have represented the views of the local government sector on a range of topics.
151 results found:
Topic | Submission | Date | File |
Waste management | Submission to National Waste Policy Update | October 2018 | PDF - 450.5KB |
Transport | Submission for Infrastructure Victoria Evidence Base Report - Advice on Automated Vehicle and Electric Vehicle Infrastructure | August 2018 | PDF - 558.5KB |
Transport | Submission for NTC Safety Assurance For Automated Driving Regulation Impact Statement Consultation | July 2018 | PDF - 631.3KB |
Waste management | Submission on Product Stewardship Act Review | June 2018 | Word - 295.8KB |
Local Government Act | Submission on Local Government Bill Exposure Draft | March 2018 | Word - 352.7KB |
Disability | Submission to Joint Standing Committee on NDIS re market readiness | February 2018 | PDF - 154.9KB |
Waste management | Submission on managing e-waste in Victoria | January 2018 | Word - 317.1KB |
Waste management | Submission on reducing the impacts of plastics on the Victorian environment | January 2018 | Word - 139.4KB |
Topic | Submission | Date | File |
Rate capping | Submission to ESC Productivity Study on Local Government | October 2017 | PDF - 231.2KB |
Topic | Submission | Date | File |
Governance | Submission to the Local Government Act Review Directions Paper | September 2016 | Word - 207.0KB |
Finance | Submission to the Parliamentary Inquiry on Rural and Regional Councils | September 2016 | Word - 405.9KB |
Rate capping | Submission to Rate Capping Inquiry | July 2016 | PDF - 67.3KB |
Disability | Submission to State Disability Plan 2017-2020 discussion paper | July 2016 | Word - 35.1KB |
Topic | Submission | Date | File |
Environment | Submission to Sustainability Fund Priority Statement | December 2015 | Word - 308.8KB |
Rate capping | Submission to ESC draft rates capping and variation framework | August 2015 | Word - 225.3KB |
Rate capping | Submission to ESC Rates Capping and Valuation Framework Consultation Paper | May 2015 | PDF - 201.1KB |