Drugs & alcohol

We help councils to build safer and healthier communities by facilitating information and resource sharing activities, strengthening partnerships with other agencies, and advocating for program and policy initiatives in the areas of alcohol and other drugs.

A range of complex factors influence how safe individuals feel within their community. Improving the safety and liveability of communities is a shared responsibility for all levels of government and all community members.

Current priorities

Through our Local Government Gambling, Alcohol and Other Drugs Issues Forum (LGGAODIF) we work with councils to help minimise and prevent drug and alcohol-related harms within the community.


Local Government Gambling, Alcohol and Other Drugs Issues Forum

The Local Government Gambling, Alcohol and Other Drugs Issues Forum (LGGAODIF) is a network of professionals working for or with local government to prevent and reduce harms associated with gambling, alcohol and other drug use.


Key resource

Under the influence: What local governments can do to reduce drug and alcohol harms in their communities (PDF - 533KB) - this publication investigates the role of local government in reducing drug and alcohol-related harms, and presents a summary of existing research and promising practice. For additional information, please visit the ADF website.

Other resources

Engage With Us

For information about our alcohol and other drugs work, please contact: publichealth@mav.asn.au