Skin-cancer prevention

Australia has one of the highest levels of skin cancer in the world. The major cause of this is over-exposure to ultra violet radiation (UVR) from the sun. Good protection from UVR (including wearing appropriate clothing, using sunscreen and seeking shade) can reduce the risk of developing skin cancer.

Local government is in a unique position to help prevent skin cancer in the community by identifying it as a public health issue and addressing sun protection within council policies, strategic plans and municipal public health and wellbeing plans.


Shade is one of the easiest ways to protect against UV radiation. As an owner and manager of public places across the state, local government plays an important role in providing shade – an important part of the design and creation of healthy communities. The demand on local government to provide quality, functional shade is growing as communities continue to embrace, evolve and increase use of public spaces. However, council capacity to meet this demand and install and maintain quality shade varies across Victoria.

New resources have been developed by the MAV to better resource local government in the design, siting and provision of quality shade outcomes in the public realm.


Shade Advice Flyer

This three-page flyer provides advice to councils on the siting and design of permanent shade (including built, natural and shade sails) to maximise shade.

Download the Shade advice flyer (PDF - 2.69MB).

Shade Case Studies and Approaches for Local Government

This MAV resource provides councils with interesting approaches to shade delivery and provides a better understanding of the context for shade development. Six case studies explore creative shade projects and policy approaches that support shade provision.

Download Shade: A resource for local government (PDF - 6.18MB).

Shade Design for Public Places

This is a companion document to Shade: A resource for local government. It demonstrates interesting approaches to shade provision within certain price brackets. It aims to challenge and improve thinking around the design and delivery of shade in the public realm.

Download Shade design for public places (PDF - 1.64MB).

Shade: a resource for local government and Shade Design for Public Places were produced with funding support from the Victorian State Government.