Maternal and child health

The MAV works in partnership with the Victorian Government on policy directions, funding and continuous improvement for maternal and child health services in conjunction with other early childhood services.

The Maternal and Child Health Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) acknowledges the shared commitment for the delivery of high quality and safe maternal and child health services to support the health and wellbeing of Victorian families and children.

The MOU, signed by the MAV on behalf of local government MCH services in Victoria, is effective from 1 January 2022 to 30 June 2025.

Our policy adviser works to deliver the outcomes and obligations detailed under the MOU. This includes:

  • Representing the sector on a range of early years advisory groups and forums
  • Contributing to developing and reviewing policy frameworks and initiatives
  • Engaging in ongoing discussion on matters relating to local government and management of maternal and child health services
  • Reporting on key strategic projects and outcomes
  • Promoting and strengthening the capability and the proactive role of Victorian councils regarding maternal and child health services.

On this page:

Current projects

Maternal and Child Health is an ongoing priority for the MAV. Our current projects include:

  • Review of the MCH Framework, service and clinical guidelines
  • Education State Early Childhood Reform Plan
  • Roadmap to Reform Plan
  • Family Violence Reform
  • MCH - Child Development Information System.

About the Memorandum of Understanding

The MCH Service MOU includes a statement of agreed principles and priority areas to guide the partnership between State and local government as partners in decision-making for the planning, funding, and provision of the Victorian MCH Service.

This collaborative approach strengthens the MCH Service’s capacity to engage with all families in Victoria with children from birth to school age in a timely manner in order to improve their health, development and wellbeing. This approach takes into account families’ strengths and vulnerabilities, and provides ongoing primary health care according to need.

The MOU represents a shared commitment to the delivery and improvement of the MCH Service. The following principles underpin this shared commitment:

  • Working in a transparent and mutually accountable way to design, plan and deliver on agreed priorities, respecting each party’s roles and responsibilities
  • Holding a shared focus on improving outcomes for children and their families
  • Engaging families and children in decision making about the services and supports they need
  • Sharing information, data and evidence to support best practice and identify areas for improvement
  • Using a systems and place-based approach to deliver well connected, inclusive and high-quality services tailored to local communities.

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Committees and Reference Groups

  • Child Development Information System Reference Group
  • Child Development Information System User Group
  • Family Violence Steering Committee
  • Industry Taskforce
  • INFANT Advisory and Implementation Group
  • MABELS Steering Group
  • MARAMIS Advisory Group
  • MARAMIS Sector Capacity Building Working Group
  • Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Subcommittee
  • MCH and Parenting Expert Reference Group
  • MCH Family Violence Evaluation Advisory Group
  • Orange Door State-wide Reference Group
  • Out of Home Care Working Group
  • Victorian MCH Coordinators Group

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Information Sharing and MARAMIS Reforms

Information Sharing and MARAMIS Reforms outlines how the Victorian government is progressing three interrelated reforms that are integral to reducing family violence and promoting child wellbeing and safety.

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MCH Conferences

In collaboration with the DHHS, MAV host Maternal and Child Health Conferences twice a year.

Information about the conferences and presentations from them can be found at MCH Conferences.

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MCH Resources

A colletion of resources about Maternal and child Health is available at MCH Resources.

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Engage with us

For further information about the MAV in relation to Maternal and Child Health please contact:

Helen Lees
MCH Policy Adviser
0438 430 529